NOĆNA PTICA, r: Špela Čadež (2016, Slovenija, 8')
"Jazavac leži nepomično na putu. Policijski auto mu se približava u mraku. Ubrzo shvataju da životinja nije mrtva - već mrtva pijana! Kada policija proba da ga otera, on se budi i dolazi do čudnog preokreta."
Biće prikazan u okviru selekcije Srbija/Region - Switch the Channel.
NIGHTHAWK, (2016, Slovenia, 8')
"A badger lies motionless on a local road. A police patrol approaches the body in the dark. They soon realise that the animal is not dead; the badger is dead drunk! When the police attempt to drag the creature off the road, he wakes up and things take a strange turn." It will be shown as a part of Serbia/Region selection - Switch the Channel.
48, r. Vladimir
Mitrevski (2017, Makedonija, 19')
"Mladi sveštenik, koji je posvetio život crkvi i celibatu, u iskušenju je da prekrši svoj zavet dok se svet bliži kraju."
48 (2017, Macedonia, 19')
"A young priest, who has devoted his life to the church and has sworn an oath of celibacy, is tempted to break his vows as the world is about to end."
"Mladi sveštenik, koji je posvetio život crkvi i celibatu, u iskušenju je da prekrši svoj zavet dok se svet bliži kraju."
48 (2017, Macedonia, 19')
"A young priest, who has devoted his life to the church and has sworn an oath of celibacy, is tempted to break his vows as the world is about to end."
Jelena Gavrilović (2017, Srbija, 20')
"Sara je sedamnaestogodišnjakinja opsednuta svojim bivšim dečkom Sergejom. U odustvu očinske figure, nalazi utehu u svom telohranitelju Dušanu."
NOBODY'S THERE (2017, Serbia, 20')
"Sara is a 17-year-old girl still obsessed with her ex boyfriend Sergej. In the absence of a father figure, she finds comfort in her bodyguard Dušan."
"Sara je sedamnaestogodišnjakinja opsednuta svojim bivšim dečkom Sergejom. U odustvu očinske figure, nalazi utehu u svom telohranitelju Dušanu."
NOBODY'S THERE (2017, Serbia, 20')
"Sara is a 17-year-old girl still obsessed with her ex boyfriend Sergej. In the absence of a father figure, she finds comfort in her bodyguard Dušan."
r. Maša Šarović (2017, Srbija, 22')
"Mladi par živi u stanu njegovih roditelja. Frustrirani što ne mogu sami sebe da izdržavaju, počinju da se svađaju. To je bio momenat kada ona odlučuje da nešto mora da se promeni."
THE WARMEST DAYS OF SUMMER, Maša Šarović (2017, Serbia, 22')
"A young couple is living at his parents' apartment. Frustrated for not being able to provide for themselves, they fight. That's when she decides something has to change."
"Mladi par živi u stanu njegovih roditelja. Frustrirani što ne mogu sami sebe da izdržavaju, počinju da se svađaju. To je bio momenat kada ona odlučuje da nešto mora da se promeni."
THE WARMEST DAYS OF SUMMER, Maša Šarović (2017, Serbia, 22')
"A young couple is living at his parents' apartment. Frustrated for not being able to provide for themselves, they fight. That's when she decides something has to change."
TEST 54, r: Josip
Sunko (2017, Croatia, 5')
"Naučnik pokušava da napravi vremeplov koristeći radio talase. Želi da pošalje poruku u prošlost. Na kraju uspeva, ali nažalost nije u sobi da je čuje, te ponavalja čitav proces."
Biće prikazan u okviru Srbija/Region selekcije - Switch the Channel.
"Scientist trying to built a time machine using radio waves. He is trying to sent a message to past. At the end he succeed, but unfortunetly he is not in the room to hear the message. He is reapeating the whole proces"
It will be shown as a part of Serbia/Region selection - Switch the Channel.
"Naučnik pokušava da napravi vremeplov koristeći radio talase. Želi da pošalje poruku u prošlost. Na kraju uspeva, ali nažalost nije u sobi da je čuje, te ponavalja čitav proces."
Biće prikazan u okviru Srbija/Region selekcije - Switch the Channel.
"Scientist trying to built a time machine using radio waves. He is trying to sent a message to past. At the end he succeed, but unfortunetly he is not in the room to hear the message. He is reapeating the whole proces"
It will be shown as a part of Serbia/Region selection - Switch the Channel.
LOOP, r. Matija Gluščević (2017, Srbija, 20')
"Mima je doživela saobraćajnu nesreću i svi joj pomažu da to prevaziđe.
Ipak, neko joj to ne dozvoljava."
LOOP (2017, Serbia, 20')
"Mima had a car accident that everyone around her is trying to make her forget. Still someone won't let her."
"Mima had a car accident that everyone around her is trying to make her forget. Still someone won't let her."
"Dok se vraćaju autom sa porodične večere, Luka koristi priliku da razgovara
o nečemu važnom sa svojim roditeljima. Međutim, oni ne žele da ga saslušaju, te
on sve više ubrzava vožnju..."
CO-DRIVERS (2017, Serbia, 21')
"While driving back from a family dinner, Luca wants to use an enclosed space of a car to start an important dialogue with his parents. However, the parents do not want to listen, so he will speed up his driving…"
"While driving back from a family dinner, Luca wants to use an enclosed space of a car to start an important dialogue with his parents. However, the parents do not want to listen, so he will speed up his driving…"
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