GENEK, r. Raushaniya Rakhimov (2017, Rusija, 15')
"Ovo je priča o samohranom roditelju koji odgaja petnaestogodišnju ćerku. On je policajac sa strogim pogledom na život. Čija istina će pobediti u konfliktu oca i deteta, to je pitanje."
Učestovao je na Kanskom i mnogim drugim filmskim festivalima.
"Ovo je priča o samohranom roditelju koji odgaja petnaestogodišnju ćerku. On je policajac sa strogim pogledom na život. Čija istina će pobediti u konfliktu oca i deteta, to je pitanje."
Učestovao je na Kanskom i mnogim drugim filmskim festivalima.
GENEK (2017, Russia, 15')
"This is a story of a lone parent, bringing up a 15 years old daughter. He
is a policeman and has a rough view of life. Who's truth will win in fathers
and sons' conflict, that's a question."
It was shown at the Festival de Cannes and many others.
It was shown at the Festival de Cannes and many others.
NOVE KOMŠIJE, E.G. Bailey (2017, SAD, 9')
"Koliko daleko će otići majka da bi zaštitila svoju decu?"
Učestovao je na Sundance Film Festivalu.
"Koliko daleko će otići majka da bi zaštitila svoju decu?"
Učestovao je na Sundance Film Festivalu.
"How far will a Mother go to her children?"
It was shown at the Sundance Film Festival.
"How far will a Mother go to her children?"
It was shown at the Sundance Film Festival.
SEDAM MINUTA, Assaf Machnes (2016, Izrael, 13')
"Da bi se vratio kući za vikend sa ostatkom voda, novi regrut izraelskih odbrambenih snaga mora završiti poslednji zadatak u roku od sedam minuta."
Prikazan je na Berlinale - Berlin International Film Festival i mnogim drugim.
"Da bi se vratio kući za vikend sa ostatkom voda, novi regrut izraelskih odbrambenih snaga mora završiti poslednji zadatak u roku od sedam minuta."
Prikazan je na Berlinale - Berlin International Film Festival i mnogim drugim.
SEVEN MINUTES (2016, Israel, 13')
"In order to go home for the weekend with the rest of the platoon, a fresh IDF soldier has to complete a one final task in 7 minutes."
It was shown at Berlinale and many other film festivals.
"In order to go home for the weekend with the rest of the platoon, a fresh IDF soldier has to complete a one final task in 7 minutes."
It was shown at Berlinale and many other film festivals.
PREDIGRA, r. Teresa
Bellon (2017, Španija, 3')
"Ona je snažna žena koja želi da ponovo uživa u životu. On je čudak koji hoće da ispuni njena očekivanja. Vreme je za predigru. "
FOREPLAY ( 2017, Spain, 3’)
"She is a strong woman who strives to enjoy life again. He is an awkward man who only cares about living up to it. It's time for the foreplay."
"Ona je snažna žena koja želi da ponovo uživa u životu. On je čudak koji hoće da ispuni njena očekivanja. Vreme je za predigru. "
FOREPLAY ( 2017, Spain, 3’)
"She is a strong woman who strives to enjoy life again. He is an awkward man who only cares about living up to it. It's time for the foreplay."
SLUGA, r. Farnoosh
Abedi (2017, Iran, 9')
"Buba je postala sluga, sluga je postao gospodar. "
THE SERVANT (2017, Iran, 9’)
"A bug became servant, servant became master."
"Buba je postala sluga, sluga je postao gospodar. "
THE SERVANT (2017, Iran, 9’)
"A bug became servant, servant became master."
Adriano Giotti (2016, Italia, 14')
"Lucio i Luna su poseban par, zaljubljeni su i boluju od anoreksije. Kada počnu da žive zajedno, njihova ljubav biće suočena sa njihovom bolešću."
"Lucio and Luna are a special couple , they're in love and they are anorexic. When she decides to move to Lucio's home their love will be confronted with their disease."
"Lucio i Luna su poseban par, zaljubljeni su i boluju od anoreksije. Kada počnu da žive zajedno, njihova ljubav biće suočena sa njihovom bolešću."
"Lucio and Luna are a special couple , they're in love and they are anorexic. When she decides to move to Lucio's home their love will be confronted with their disease."
Tommi Seitajoki (2017, Finska, 15’)
"Dvanaestogodišnjak kopa po kantama za smeće, tražeći nešto što bi ga dovelo do nagrade."
Biće prikazan u okviru Međunarodne selekcije - Fix Your Antenna.
THE GLASS PEARL, (2017, Finland, 15’)
"A 12-year-old boy plunders garbage cans in a suburb, searching for something that might lead to a reward."
It will be shown as a part of International selection - Fix Your Antenna.
"Dvanaestogodišnjak kopa po kantama za smeće, tražeći nešto što bi ga dovelo do nagrade."
Biće prikazan u okviru Međunarodne selekcije - Fix Your Antenna.
THE GLASS PEARL, (2017, Finland, 15’)
"A 12-year-old boy plunders garbage cans in a suburb, searching for something that might lead to a reward."
It will be shown as a part of International selection - Fix Your Antenna.
DARREL, r. Marc
Briones Piulachs i Alen Carabanter Person (2016, Španija, 3')
"Razmenjivanje pogleda u metrou. Koliko prilika ste propustili? Darrel neće dozvoliti da mu ova pobegne."
Biće prikazan u okviru Međunarodne selekcije - Fix your antenna.
DARREL, Marc Briones Piulachs and Alen Carabanter Person (2016, Spain, 3')
"Exchange of glances in the subway. How many opportunities have you let slip? Darrel will do everything not to let this one escape."
It will be shown as a part of International selection - Fix your antenna.
"Razmenjivanje pogleda u metrou. Koliko prilika ste propustili? Darrel neće dozvoliti da mu ova pobegne."
Biće prikazan u okviru Međunarodne selekcije - Fix your antenna.
DARREL, Marc Briones Piulachs and Alen Carabanter Person (2016, Spain, 3')
"Exchange of glances in the subway. How many opportunities have you let slip? Darrel will do everything not to let this one escape."
It will be shown as a part of International selection - Fix your antenna.
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